2012年7月12日 星期四

100 Floors Walkthrough Floors 51-60

Floor 51

Tap the squares to make black a pattern that matches the shape of the sword.

Floor 52

Tap the snowflakes to show 1-2-2-5 (12/25 in American style dates for Christmas)

Floor 53

Drag the hook down to the box.
Tap the switch to turn off the electricity, use the wire cutters to cut the fence

Floor 54

Using the A=01 as decoder, type the following numbers to spell C=03, O=15, D=04, E=05.

Floor 55

Put your phone flat then start tilting up and left to see other blocks come in and fill in the gaps

Floor 56

tap the numbers to equal the number of flags that box is touching (including diagonal.)

Floor 57

Touch and hold the red button to move the hook to the right and align with the top of the wrecking ball
Then release and pull/drag the chain down to attach to the wrecking ball
Press the red button to move the ball in line with the door, and finally tap the ball three times to break the door

Floor 58

Using the keyboard, play the white keys in this order 3-2-1-2-3-3-3-1-2-2-3-2-1
(it should sound like "Mary had a little lamb")

Floor 59

Use rock to smash window (upper left), tap mirror (twice) to point to sticks to start fire,
Use stick to touch fire, touch stick to lever (melt ice), and touch the lever

Floor 60

Select torch, light both sconces (two light blue "eyes" will appear),
then tap the drums: 4x Red, 2x Dark Blue, 1x White, 4x Light Blue

Video Walkthrough for Floor 51-60

Here is the video walkthrough for floors 51-60:

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