2012年7月12日 星期四

100 Floors Walkthrough Floors 41-50

Floor 41

Tap the ants and you will see the pattern. Set the pattern on the door accordingly.

Floor 42

Switch off the lights, two picture appears in top right and bottom left corner.

Swipe the door to the left and the right, another two picture appear.

Swipe the door up and down. Then set the patterns as seen.

Floor 43

Move both plants to reveal a pipe, select the ball and add to the left side of the pipe

Balance the ball through the pipe to the other side to press the green button down

Floor 44

Move the plant out of the way then touch each panel to match the door from left to right with
(1G = grey, 2W = white, 3B = black, 4W = white)

Floor 45

Use the hammer to smash the blowing AC at the top, then use the machette to cut the rope on the balloon
As it is rising, tilt the phone to line it up with the button and not get popped by the spikes

Floor 46

The top has to exactly mirror the bottom (pay special attention to "tails" on shapes)

Floor 47

Tab squares until they line up to complete the circuit from bottom right counter-clockwise back to the bottom middle.

Floor 48

Select the machette and swipe away the vines, then tap the colors to match the number of flowers in that color
(white = 5, yellow = 5, pink = 4)

Floor 49

Tap the letters in order: Pa, S, S, W, O, Rd

Floor 50

Tap the center of the door as fast as you can to "knock" until the green bar fills up

Video Walkthrough for Floor 41-50

Here is the walkthrough for floors 41-50:

