Floor 81
Hold the phone upside down and tap any digit and mulitply then equal (9x9=81). The digits are actually 9s instead of 6s.
Floor 82
Select the machette and tap on the floor (just above the F in Floor 82). Grab the item, select it, and place it on the left door. Tap the left knob on the door twice and right knob seven times (recreating the shape on the ground.) Grab and select the lever. Place it to the right of the door. Tap and hold the lever to open the door. Tap the green arrow while holding the lever to progress.
Floor 83
Tap and drag the various geometric shapes around the door to "solve" the puzzle in the door.
The shapes position matches the color on the ceiling.
Floor 84
hit the buttons that make the color on the wall at the same time - all buttons, only red, both blue, all buttons
Floor 85
Light the candles with your flame starting at middle, then left then right.
Extinguish right flame, then left, relight left candle, extinguish left then middle flame
Floor 86
click on numbers at top to know how to move dial.
Counter clockwise to 11. Clockwise to 5. Clockwise to 1, counter clockwise to 8, clockwise to 12
Floor 87
Shake phone to wake bear, click to move him, wait until he falls back asleep to open door
Floor 88
Pull down hat on top left below vent, pull over hat in middle right above the hat on the floor.
Flip the hat top right. Start ball by dropping in the highest hat on top right
Floor 89
tap se, SI, ni, fi, fo
Floor 90
hit the first button 4 times, the middle 3 times and right button twice.
Then hit small star in top right corner to illuminate last button and open door.
Video Walkthrough for Floor 81-90